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List of unauthorized firms and/or unlicensed securities firms.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #

A&P Adams and Patterson Law Firm

Abacus Group Co Ltd

Abbey House Acquisitions

Abel Myers Consulting

Able International

Abridge Enterprises

Absolute Exchange Trading Systems Ltd - London

Accel Venture Partners - Tokyo

Accer Mergers and Acquisitions - New York

AccuPoll Holding Corp - STOCK

Acquisition International - Tokyo

Adam International Trading Group Ltd

Adderlay Davis & Associates Ltd - Hong Kong

Adderley Davis and Associates

Addison Management Group Asia - New Delhi

Admiral Global Private Equity

Advantage Securities Inc

Advent-Oriental Asset Management

Advisors Group Inc

AEG Investment Ltd

Aero Safety Delivery & Courier Company

AFCC American First City Corp

Affinity Group - New York

African Compass Trading (Clone of ZA Authorized firm)

AGF Markets - London

Agile Ventures Inc a non-profit organization - New York

Agrico Company

Agro Micron Ltd

AIG Capital - Tokyo

AIM Corporation Limited

AimTax Advisory Group - Zurich

AJ Nelson Consultants LLC - New York

AJ Witherspoon and Co

AKASAKA Acquisition Group - Tokyo

Akita Matsui Trading

Albano Stock Transfer

Alexander Capital Management - Chicago

Alley - Innovative Pharmaceutical Company

Alliance Direct Management Ltd. - New Delhi

Alliance Financial Advisory

Alliance FX Capital Ltd

Alliance Group Tokyo

Alliance Group, Inc. Alliance Insurance Agency

Alliance Private Equity LLP - Atlanta

Alliance Transfer Inc. - New York

Alliant Holdings Inc - New York

Allianze Global Insurance Inc - Chicago

Allied Acquisitions - Tokyo

Allied Capital Management LP

Allied International Trading - Tokyo

Allied Mergers & Asset Management - Tokyo

Alon Business Consultancy Limited

Alpha Consulting

Alpha Consulting Group - New York

Alpha Corporate Consultants - New York

Alpha Investment Management, LLC - NY, Tokyo

Alpha Resource Partners - Shenzhen, China

Alpha Takeovers

Alta Paramount Ltd - New York

Alter Management LLC - Newark

Alternative Therapeutic Products ALTTPRO

Amber Capital Partners

AMC International (HK) Limited

American Financial Group

American First City Corporation - New York

American Heritage Stock Transfer Inc

American Millennium Fund LLC - New York

American Taxation Incorporated - New York

AMK Trust Ltd - Seattle

Anchor Financial Brokerage

Andersen Mergers - Greenwich

Anderson Franklin Sullivan - AFS Partners (clone of US firm)

Anderson Klein

Anderson, Franklin, Sullivan Partners Ltd or AFS Partners Ltd

Andreas Geiger Financial - London

Andrew Scott

Angus & Young Investment Advice & Investors Help

Annex International LTD

Annex International Mergers and Acquisitions

Anti Cyber Crime & Financial

Anzen Capital Ltd.

Apollo Asset Management - New York

Apollo Asset Management HK

Apollo Global Securities LLC - New York

Apollo Impex General Trading LLC - Aberdeen Asset Management

Aqua Securities LP

ARAM Wealth Management Ltd

Arc Trading - Tokyo

Arcadia Capital Associates

Arcadia Trading Group Ltd or Arcadia Oil & Gas LLC

Ardea Capital L.P. - New York

Aries Ventures Inc - New York (CLONE OF US FIRM)

Arista Capital Ventures

Artemis Business Solutions - London

Artemis Financial - Budapest

Asahi Marusan Management

Asgard Group - Tokyo

Ashburn Global Ltd

Ashdown Camberly Transfer Services

Ashton Cole Global

Ashton Cole Global Investments

Ashton Trading - Costa Rica, Taiwan

Ashwood Finance

Asia Acquisitions Group

Asia Associates

Asia Pacific Commodity Futures Association

Asia World Capital Group

Asiatic Acquisitions - Tokyo Questions and Answers

Aspen Capital LLC

Asset Capital Management

Asset Castle Investments Ltd

Asset Grand

Asset Mergers & Acquisitions

Asset Recovery Solutions - New York

Asset Trust Management LLC - Boston

Assets Investments - London

Associated Financial Services

Associated Partners (clone of US authorized firm)

Association of Securities Transfer Companies - New York

Assured Acquisitions Group

ATG Capital Solutions Inc - Hollywood, CA

Atlantic Capital Trust Management, LLC - Philadelphia

Atlantic Financial - Hong Kong

Atlantic International Partners

Atlantis Capital Partners Inc.

Atlas Consultancy - New York

Aura Mergers and Acquisitions

Aurum International Management

Austin Claymore LP

Austin Claymore LP - New York

Avant Garde Financial - Tokyo

Avante Corp LLC - Chicago Address:

AVL Capital

AWI Financial - HK

Axiata Financial

Axiom Equity

Axis Capital Group

Axis Corporate Finance Pty Ltd

Axis Investment Group - Hong Kong

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