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List of unauthorized firms and/or unlicensed securities firms.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #

Wade and Wiley Consultancy - New York

Wagner Berne - Frankfurt

Wagner Capital Management Group - New York

Wahrburg Moss - Washington, DC

Wahrburg Moss Group - Washington D.C.

Waight & Caffie Company Ltd. - Philadelphia, PA

Wakamy Libman and Associates - Tokyo

Wakamy Libman Associates

Wakefield Securities Limited - New York

Waldeburg Research - Brussels

Waldmann Asset Management - Hong Kong

Walker Financial Management (CLONE)

Wallace Jacob Consultants Corporate Services - New York

Wallstreet Equities Inc - New York


Wallstreet M & A Group - New York

Walten Pichler - London, Lux (EU CLONE)

Walter Harris & Company - Seattle, New York

Walter Parker Group - New York

Walton Johnson & Co Corporate Services - New York

Wampum Group LLC (clone of active USA firm)

Warner Abbott Capital Management - Frankfurt

Warren & Massey Asset Management Ltd., Inc. - St. Louis, MO

Warren Fisher and Associates

Warren Hill, LLC - Seattle, WA

Warrington Shaw

Washington Exchange and Regulatory Board

Watermark Securities - London, Hong Kong

Watkins Consultancy Ltd.

Watters & Partners Ltd

Wattford Capital Partners - New York

Waytung Global - Hong Kong

WBS Holding Ltd

Wealth Capital Corp - Hong Kong

Wealth Management Services Limited - London

Wegmans and Associates Capital Advisors - New York

Weinberg Equity Management - New York

Weinstein Acquisitions - Kanagawa

Weisberg & Cohen LLC - New York

Weiss Rifkin & Partners - Austin, TX

Weizmann & Young - Zurich

Welborn Capital Partners Inc - New York (CLONE)

Welling & Company LLC - New York (CLONE)

Welling & Company, LLC - New York

Wellington Management Portfolios (CLONE)

Wells Capital Management - New York

Wells Financial Holdings Ltd - New York, Hong Kong

Wentworth Fiduciary and Transfer Services - Wilmington, DE

Wentworth Worldwide Ltd - Basel

Werner Abbott Capital Management - Frankfurt

Werner Group - New York

Werner Group International - New York, Toronto

West Capital Partners Inc. - New York

West Mill Associates - Zurich

Westbrook & Partners - Japan

Western Clwyd Bank

Western Global Capital Management - New York

Western Pacific Advisors Inc or Westpac Inc. - Stamford, CT

Western Transfers Company

Western Trust Company - Washington D.C.

Westgate Consulting Group

Westhaven Management Ltd - Grand Cayman

Westhill Partners Inc - New York (CLONE)

Westland Commodities - London

Westland Forex Online Bank - Crawley, UK

Westminster Corp. (CLONE)

Weston and Scott Consultants - New York

WFB-Financial Consulting World - Basel, Larnaca

Wheaton Capital

Wheeler Asset Management - Geneva

Wheeler Consultancy Ltd - New York

Whitaker Corporate Partners - New York

White River Partners, Inc HK

White-Miller Associates - Hong Kong

Whitfield International Consulting Group - New York

Whitmore Wealth Management - London, Dubai, Hong Kong

Whitney Cooper & Associates - New York

Whitney Cooper and Associates - New York

Whittman Simmons Inc. - New York

Wicky & Jack Holdings

Wilkins Capital Group - New York

William & Brown Management Group - New York

William Burke Ventures Inc. - New York

William Campbell Company - New York

William Morgan Group

Williams & Miller PLLC - New York

Williams Consultancy Limited - New York

Williams Mckenna Associates - Seattle, WA

Williams Royale Associates - Seattle, WA

Willis and Cohen LLC - New York

Willkinson Capital Group - New York

Wilsthire Capital - Tokyo

Wiltshire Smyth International Inc (WSI)

Win Sec Group - CLONE

Winbase Equities - Hong Kong

Winchester Consultancy Group - New York

Windcrest Management Solution, Ltd. - Long Island, NY

Windgate Security Management - New York

Windsor Brokers - Cyprus (CLONE)

Wineburg Corporate Insurance

Wise Capital Financial Consultants - Glasgow

Witter Financial Group - Hong Kong

Witter Walwyn Overseas Ltd - Tortola, Amsterdam

Woodbridge Escrow and Clearing - Washington, DC

World Capital Advisors - Tokyo

World Trade Register

World Trust Bank - London

World Wide Financial

Worldwide Financial - Zurich

Worldwide Investors Portfolio (CLONE)

Wyatt M & A Advisory - Chicago, IL

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