Witter Financial Group is an investment management and research firm. Commanding an in-depth understanding of fund managers and macroeconomic ...
SERVICES. Services. We manage a full range of active and quantitative investment products, covering equity, fixed income, money markets, and alternative ...
CONTACT US. Witter Financial Group. Lippo Sun Plaza, 28 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. We can be contacted vial telephone, fax or email.
Witter Financial Group is an investment management and research firm. Commanding an in-depth understanding of fund managers and macroeconomic conditions, Witter Financial Group targets high absolute returns in any market environment.
As one of the world’s most sought independent alternative asset managers, Witter Financial Group is characterized by its global scale, strong financial position and substantial surplus regulatory capital. By integrating a diverse pool of performance-driven investment talent in a single business we are able to provide our clients with a comprehensive range of investment content, accessible through a variety of formats to meet client needs and regulatory requirements.
We offer a comprehensive suite of investments through our performance-driven investment engines to a highly-diversified client base.