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List of unauthorized firms and/or unlicensed securities firms.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #

H. Taft Private Equity - Detroit, MI

Halifax Capital (Clone of US active firm)

Hamilton and Pricehouse Consultancy - New York

Hamilton Davis Group

Hammerfest Mining PLC

Hammond Capital - Hong Kong

Hammond Global Solutions LLC - Seattle, WA

Handan Mining Group, LTD

Hang Seng International Transfers

Hans Bernauer - HB Trading

Harbor Trading

Harper & Reed Consultants - London

Harris James Associates - New York

Hawk Trade - Tokyo

Hayamazaki Inc.

Heale Financial LLC - New York

Heckart Associates, LLC - New York

Hedges Mergers & Acquisitions - New York

Heinz Hokkaido International - New York

Henderson Global Trading - Dublin, London

Henderson Price Global - Geneva

Hendricks & Hurst - Chicago, IL

Hendricks & Hurst Investment Managers

Hengan Securities

Henrickson Dickson LLC - Oklahoma, OK

Heritage Provident - Hong Kong

Heritage Trade - Beijing

Hermann Brothers Group - New York

Hexagon Capital Management, Inc. - Zurich

HGH Capital Partners - Boston

Hibber Bothwell Capital Partners

Hideki Financial Protection

HIGASHI and Partners - Japan

Hikaro and Partners

Hillgrand Limited

Himura, Fieldman and Partners - Tokyo

Hinsley Ford

Hirano & Associates - Tokyo

Hirobumi & Partners

HKIC Group - Surrey, Hong Kong

Hobart & Roth, LLC - Seattle, WA

Hobdell and Williamson - Menlo Park, CA

Hogan, Case & Polk - Seattle, WA

Howard, James & Watson LLC

Huber Acquisition Group

Hudson Depository Clearance Center Group Inc / HDCC Group Inc

Humphrey ETS LTD. - Wilmington, DE

Hunt Acquisition Group - Yokohama

Hunton & Partners Consultancy

Hunts Mergers & Acquisitions Group - Japan

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