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List of unauthorized firms and/or unlicensed securities firms.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #

C&C Trading LLC

Cais Capital LLC

CAM Chicago Asset Management

Camden Financial Services

Cameron Poe & Associates Inc. - Corpus Christi, TX

Campbell Massey Asset Management

Cannon Corporate Consultants

Cantata Equity Management - Boston, MA

Capgemini Law Mergers & Acquisitions - New York

Capital Action Ltd (CLONE) - Hong Kong

Capital Arc Holdings - New York

Capital Gearing Portfolio Funds - Dublin, London

Capital Group One Inc - London, Tortola

Capital Group One Inc. - London

Capital Holdings Ltd - Phoenix, AZ

Capital Insurance Group Ltd. - Boston, MA

Capital Invest Solutions

Capital M & A - New York

Capital Mergers and Acquisitions - Tokyo

Capital Securities International - New York

Capital Transfer Consolidated - New York

Capital Trust Management, LLC - Pittsburgh, PA

CapitalSys - Barcelona

Capitol Trade - Tokyo

Capstone Alliance Group - Hong Kong, Japan

Capstone Financial Development

Capstone Global Securities

Capstone Securities - Haag

Cardinal Trading - Tokyo

Carillion Asset Management

Carius Finance

Carlson Group Consultancy - New York

Carlton Capital Inc. - New York

Carlton Corporate Limited

Carlye Becker Capital - Tokyo

Carmine Hoffman Law Firm LLP

Carter Jones Capital - New York

Cartwright & Keating, Inc. - Atlanta, GA

Cartwright Financial - New York

Caspian Trading, Inc Investments - Boston, Plano

Castle Trade International - Osaka

Cayman Asset Management

CCB Transfers International (CCBT International) - New York, Hong Kong

CDG - Century Direct Group Ltd. - New Delhi

Celivox Allaince - New York

Celivox Alliance - New York

Centaur Global Advisors - Seattle, WA

Center For Fraud Protection International - Seattle, Washington

Centrade Management Corp. - New York

Central Option

Centrex Investment Holdings Inc - Wilmington, Delaware

Centro Holdings Hong Kong

Century Insight Inc. - New York

Century Trading - Osaka

CGR Consultants

Chan, Harris, Lee & Partners

Charles Pearson Investments - New York

Chartered Capital Management - Jenkintown, PA

Chartis Mutual Group - Geneva

Cherrydale Wealth Management - London

Chesworth & Capehart Consulting Group - New York

Cheyney Group - Giblartar, Hong Kong

Chicago Business Group LLC

China Pacific Capital

Chinese Advisor - Beijing

Chiyoda Securities Corp. - Tokyo

Chonglin & Leung LLP

Chopper Securities - Chicago, Hong Kong

Christian Muhr Investment Research - Hong Kong, Austria (CLONE)

Churchill Capital Limited

Citystate Consulting Co. - New York

Clarkson Black Associates - Seattle, WA

Clarus Capital Group Management - New York

Clayton Capital Ventures, Inc. - New York

CLC Acquisition Corp - New York

Clearnet International - Vienna, Beijing

Clewis Financial

Clifton Capital Partners LLC - Philadelphia

CLONE of Affin Bank Berhad

CLONE: U.S. Financial Management Service - Washington D.C.

CMI Asset Management - London (CLONE)

Cobalt Capital Inc

Cohen & Partners

Cohen Corporate Consulting

Cohen Corporate Consulting - Pattersonville, NY

COLE Asset Management Asia - Japan, China

Coleman, Peterson & Associates - St. Louis, MO

Colonial Trust Transfer Agency LLC - Washington, DC

Commerce Investments Group LLC - CIG - New York

Commonwealth Capital Partners Atlanta, GA

Complaints and Reviews | African Countries

Complaints and Reviews of Australian Consumers

Complaints and Reviews of Canadian consumers

Complaints and Reviews of Indian Consumers

Complaints and Reviews of New Zealand Consumers

Connelly Peterson Ltd. - Chicago, IL

Connolly Thomas Law - Toledo, Ohio

Conquest Private Equity LLC - New York

Consorteum Holdings Inc

Continental American Group - Seattle, WA

Continental Private Equity LLC - Philadelphia

Continental Private Equity LLC - Philadelphia, PA

Converge Financial Services - New York

Cooper & Brown Associates - Zurich

Cooper Company Management - New York

Cooperman, Lippmann & Kurtz

Copper & Partners - New York

Copper and Partners

Copper and Partners - New York

Coreen Bradford Insurance - Chicago, IL

Corolla Financial - Tokyo

Corporate Dynamics Corp. - Seychelles

Corporate Mergers & Acquisition Group - New York

Cover Capital Partners - Philadelphia

CPI International Equitable - New York

Cranewell Accounting - Zurich

Credence Trade - London

Credi Corp Securities

Creek Capital Ventures - Boston, MA

Crenshaw Asset Management - London

Crest Trust Management, LLC - Seattle, WA

Cromwell and Goodwin - New York

Cromwell Finance Group

Crossley Acquisitions - Washington, DC

Crown Capital Management - Jakarta, Indonesia

Crown Elite Group / CEG Advisors - Hong Kong, Shanghai

Crown Liberty Assurance

Crown Will Escrow and Clearing - Washington, DC

CSA Financial Group - New York

CSH Capital

CT Lambson and Associates, LLC - New York

Cunningham Mutual - Hong Kong

Cunningham, Austin, Wheeler & Associates - Seattle, WA

Cuyuni Gold Inc

Cygnet Offshore Ltd. - Seychelles, Hong Kong

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