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List of unauthorized firms and/or unlicensed securities firms.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #

P.A.N Securities LP - New York

Pacific Alliance Mergers & Acquisitions Limited - Hong Kong

Pacific Capital Management (clone of us firm)

Pacific Capital Management LLC - Los Angeles, CA

Pacific First Securities - New York

Pacific Rim Wealth Management - Hong Kong

Pacific Transfers International - Hong Kong

Pacific Tycoon - Hong Kong

Pacific Ventures Consultancy

Pacific Ventures Consultancy - New York

Pacific Wilshire Bank - New York

Pagani Wealth Management - New York

Palmer Corporate Solutions LLC - Seattle

Paradigme Consultants - New York

Paragon Private Equity - New York

Paramount Financial Group

Paramount Financial Group - Vienna

Park Avenue Mergers & Acquisitions - New York

Park Avenue Mergers and Acquisitions LLC - New York

Park East Capital Level - Tokyo

Parkbrook Incorporated - New York (CLONE)

Parker & Masters LLC - New York

Parrish Eastway Partners - London

Partners Investor Escrow and Clearing (HK)

Paul & Chris Limited - Hong Kong

PDH Transfers LLC - New York

Pearce & Clarke - London

Peekwood Private Trust and Holdings - New York

Pegasus Mergers and Acquisitions - New York

Peking Dragon Limited

Peking Dragon Limited - Beijing

Pelican Trading Group - New York

Penson Transfer Agent and Trust Company by Gregory Curry

Permanent Fund LLC - Wilmington, DE

Perry Capital Limited - London (CLONE)

Persist Global Wealth Management - London

Peston and Sons Securities

Peter Hamilton Law Firm & Consultancy - Seattle, WA

Peterson Advisors Limited - New York

Peterson Brown Group - Beijing, Tokyo

Peterson Capital Partners Inc

Peterson Capital Partnership Inc. - New York

Peterson Loan Firm

Petromex Industries

Pex Global Inc - New York

PFM Trading

Pharmaceutical Medical Technology Fund - PMTF New York

Phenix Digital Solutions - Memphis, TN

Phoenix Endeavour - Nirasaki

Phoenix International - Shanghai

Phoenix Investments AG - Zug

Phoenix Private Equity - Phoenix, AZ

Pierce Morgan Capital Management - Boston, MA

Pierce Morgan Trust Management LLC - Boston

Pinicle Registry - New York

Pinnacle Financial Group - Hamburg

Pioneer Global Investments - London (CLONE)

Pioneer Private Equity - New York

PL Groups Limited

Platform Group Legal Services - New York, Hong Kong

Platinum Account Group - Toronto

Platinum Group International - New York

Platinum Resort Services (TIME SHARE)

Plutus Private Equity LLC - Boston

Plutus Private Equity LLP - Boston, MA

Polestar Finance

Portland Wealth Associates - London

Powell Financial Services - New York

Power Management Group - New Delhi - India

Powerhouse Corporate Finance - Osaka, Tokyo

Premier Consultancy Group - Dallas, TX

Premier Partner Holdings

Premier Partner Holdings - New York

Premier Partners Group

Premier Partners Group - Seoul, Luxembourg

Premier World Financial

Premier World Financial - Hong Kong

Premium Direct Capital Partners - New York

President Financial Group - New York

Prestige Equity - Hong Kong

Prestige Link Group Limited

Prime Acquisitions Group, Inc. - Chicago, IL

Prime Group of Companies - New York

Prime Management - London (CLONE)

Prime National Insurance Company - New York, Toronto, Tokyo

Prime Solutions, Inc. - New York

Private Fund Management S.A. - Albany, NY

Private Trading Acquisitions

Private Trading Acquisitions - Wilmington, DE

Profitable Sunrise


Prosperity Equity Transfers Corp - San Diego, Hong Kong

ProVideo Financial

Pullman Wealth Management

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