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List of unauthorized firms and/or unlicensed securities firms.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #

G & K Trust Limited

G&M Litigation Assistance - Nederland

Garrett Hopkins Associates - Seattle, WA

Gas Natural Recovery (GNRM)

GCM Worldwide

GE Capitals GE Capital Bank Ltd (clone of FSA authorized firm)

Geine oil and Gas Corporation

Gencore Corporate Consulting - GCC

Gencore Corporate Consulting | GCC

Genevieve Asset Manangement

Genocore Biotech - Shenzen

Geo Survey Management Ltd - Montreal, Shanghai

GFC Worldwide or Global Financial Corp.

GIB & TRUST LTD or Global Investment Bank

Gideon Wahrburg - Attorney at Law - New York

Giles and Hochman Consulting - New York

Ginza Equity Group - Tokyo

Glendale Management Group - New York

Glenwood Securities - Geneve

Global Acquisitions Regulators

Global Alliance Insurance Company - Chicago, IL

Global Ark Group

Global Asset Management Inc. - New York

Global Capital Group Mergers & Acquisitions - New York

Global Corporate Partners - New York

Global Direct Asset Management - New York

Global Fiduciary Solutions Limited

Global Finance Regulators

Global Financial Corp. Worldwide - New York, Minneapolis

Global Financial Department

Global Fuel Acquisitions

Global Fund

Global Futures & Options Group - New York, London, Hong Kong

Global Investment Limited - Tokyo

Global Mergers Court

Global Quest Consultancy Services, Inc. - Washington D.C.

Global Recovery Advocates - Nassau, Panama

Global Strategic Management - Tokyo

Global Strategy Capital Markets Ltd - Hong Kong

Globus Capital Associates Limited - London

Gloucester & Stern Inc. - Chicago, IL

Gloucester and Stern Capital Management

Glover Capital Group


Gold West Group

Goldhill Associates

Goldman Phillips - Miami, FL

Goldstein & Bradley - New York

Goodwin William Inc. - New York

Gordon Group Services - New York

Gordon, Tait & Co. LLC

Gordon, Tait & Co. LLC - Seattle, WA

GPM by Asadia

Graham, Morrison, and Wilson - New York

Grant International Transfer - New York

Graphene Sensors Inc

Great Wall M&A

Greater China Mergers & Acquisitions Registrar

Green & Book LLC - New York

Green Oak Financial - UK (Clone of FCA authorized firm)

Green Wave Corporation - New York

Green World Financial Inc

Greenberg and Associates

Greenberg International Tax & Law - Hartford, CT

Greenfield and Associates - New York

Greenfield Insurance Services

Greenfield Securities Limited

Greenfield Securities Ltd. - New York

Greenway Consultancy - Ellicottville, NY

Greenwood Capital Advisors - New York

Greenwood Global

Greenwood Trading - Tokyo & Yokohama

Grenfell and Blackrock Associates - Rochester, NY

Greyson Consulting Group - New York

Grosvenor Capital / GCR Capital

Grosvenor Capital Advisors

Groupe Alliance - Osaka

GroupoN Delta Financial LTD - Shenzhen

Gruber and Green, Inc. - Chicago, IL

GSI Markets

Guardian Creative Tax Planners - New York

Guardian International - New York

Gultsara Trading Ltd. - Seattle, WA

GWW Godson, Winter & Weissman - New York, Hong Kong

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