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Handan Mining Group, LTD


HMG House 56, Zhongguo St Congtai District, Handan #056002 China

Address 2:

HHJCZN, Hua Heng Jin Copper-Zinc Nort C: 33.402237, 111.511776 G311 Guo Dao, Xixia Xian Nanyang Shi, Henan Sheng China


+86 755 330 593 43


+65 3163 1079


Website 2:

The Agent:

Metal Resource Partners, LTD
Suite 305 14 Gopeng Street Singapore #078890 Singapore
Tel: +65 3163 1079 Email: [email protected]


Metal Resource Partners, LTD: MRP has secured access to 33.33% of the HHJCZN, Hua Heng Jin Copper-Zinc North Joint Venture via a consulting agreement with Handan Mining Group, LTD, allowing 400 Units of HHJCZN, Hua Heng Jin Copper-Zinc North to be offered at US $50,000.00 per Unit, giving a 33.33% NRI.
Handan Mining Group, LTD: HMG owns one of the last remaining producing copper-zinciron ore concessions in the famous Nanyang Shi Basin, Henan Province, discovered and developed by the Chinese Government. HMG Management is seeking joint venture participants in mining a Northern entry to (HHJCZN) this Proven Undeveloped (PUD) mine. The Joint Venture will acquire a 33.33% interest in this operation.
HHJCZN Hua Heng Jin Copper-Zinc North JV: Hua Heng Jin North is a development mine to be engineered from the Northern Fault Block of the Nanyang Shi Basin and is a direct penetration to and contiguous with the HHJCZS, Hua Heng Jin Copper-Zinc South JV (Hua Heng Jin South) which has been mined since 2004.
HHJCZS Hua Heng Jin Copper-Zinc South JV: Hua Heng Jin South since 2004 has produced over 8,763,399 metric tons of Copper-Zinc Ore (Cu/Zn Ore) with an average raw Ore content of 25% Cu Ore producing 1.6% Cu (Copper) and 53% Zn Ore producing 8% Zn (Zinc), making this Ore perfect for low cost refining, this same Cu/Zn Ore is the primary target for the HHJCZN, Hua Heng Jin North Copper-Zinc North JV.

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