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Agro Micron Ltd


Headquarter Office 35F Central Plaza 18 Harbor Road WANCHAI HONG KONG

Address 2:

Singapore Office 10 Anson Road #30-07 International Plaza SINGAPORE 079903


852 2593 1326


852 3017 8000





AgroMicron Ltd. targets the development of Rapid Early
Detection (RED) products. These products identify possible
 pathological threats from bioterrorism to pathogens
plaguing global agriculture, animals and people.

We are in the process of developing simple field kit flu
virus detection systems that will potentially isolate the
H5N1 Avian Flu. Once our system is completed, we will be
able to readily identify several common strains of
influenza within minutes and isolate its host from further
 human to human contamination.

Agromicron, Ltd is currently developing a low cost, system
 that will readily identify a broad range of food related
 pathogens, such as common Salmonella and E-Coli. Our Nano
 Bioluminescent Spray, when applied, will react with the
pathogen strain and produce a visual glow for easy

Aside from our quest to find rapid to solutions to modern
may problems, we are also committed to the revitalization
of damaged eco-systems as a result of excessive

Agromicron Global Reforestation Initiative is assisting
countries and governments from around the world by offering
 rapid growing trees so in the future we might be able to
breathe a bit easier…

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