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Zhou Management Group

Address: Tianyin Mansion, No 2 Fuxingmen South Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing 100031 China
Telephone: +86 1087 833 460
Fax: 0086 1 087 833 460




Welcome to Zhou Management Group ('ZMG')

('ZMG') justify even the most bold expectations!

('ZMG') Work for You!

('ZMG') is here to help the investing community identify and
capitalize on global investment trends, better select and monitor
investment managers and more successfully enable asset managers
to market their funds worldwide.

20 Years of Experience
('ZMG') provide ideal tools to monitor the ongoing performance of
portfolio members compared to a wide array of universes, indexes
and other peer benchmarks.

1998 - ('ZMG')was founded by Mr. Lu E Seng MBA. He established
Zhou Management Group on the belief of doing the right thing
– for clients, associates and his community – and this principle
is firmly embedded within ('ZMG') history and culture.

2005 - Mr. Seng took the company online, launching
He opened branch offices across Europe and Asia, giving Zhou
Management Group one of the largest branch networks among
investing firms.
2013 - ('ZMG') won numerous awards for its outstanding customer
service, investor satisfaction and corporate culture.

7 Partner Programs
('ZMG') serve the traditional – or long-only – industry with
strategic analytic and reporting tools powered by extensive
data submitted by hundreds of asset managers. ('ZMG') also
offers  a unique insight into institutional holdings, asset
flows and investor behavior.


Please note that, we have completed our background check on this entity. This is a restricted report and upon receiving notification of your purchase, We will email to you our Intelligence Report in complete version within 24 hours.

Tax Deduction: It's common to spend funds on Research, Analysis, Due Diligence, Background Check, as an expense. Our professional services may qualify as a tax deduction in your country. Once you've made your purchase, we will provide a receipt for you to file with your accountant. Please note that, our staff is here to answer your questions via chat, email, phone.

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