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US Regulatory Commission

Address: 1050 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: +1 202 407 7210
Fax: +1 202 407 7210




US Regulatory Commission
At US Regulatory Commission, we perform meticulous due
 diligence and investigations into financial services
practitioners who have been flagged up as ...

At US Regulatory Commission, we perform meticulous due
diligence and investigations into financial services
practitioners who have been flagged up as possible
fraudulent companies involved in sophisticated investment

US Regulatory Commission initially began operating
as a non-profit organization with only the resources to
cater to our modest pool of clients. But as the investment
fraud industry grew exponentially since the turn of the
century, our client base escalated to the point where we
had to alter our business model in order to sustain our
growth, so we begun charging clients a minimal fee for our

Our client base consists of individuals who were contacted
by financial services practitioners offering investment
opportunities, but needed assistance in authenticating the
legality of the company who has made contact with them, in
order to ascertain whether or not to conduct any business
with them. Since our inception in 2006, we have gained
a wealth of experience carrying out comprehensive due
diligence reports on financial services practitioner from
across the globe. Our expertise and services have been
refined so that any client wishing to verify a company
within the financial arena can call upon our services, and
we will provide them with a detailed dossier of the company
 in question.

After more than 10 years in operation, we have saved the
blushes and savings of over 10,000 individuals from around
the world, and we will continue to be a thorn in the side
of the investment fraud industry for years to come.

US Regulatory Commission regulate and enforce the federal
securities laws relating to corporate filings, and the
administration procedures relating to documentation.
Secondary to our primary mandate but of no less importance,
 we interact with the various corporate and legal entities
 we may encounter during a merger or acquisition or the
filing for the release of documentation once companies have
 been administrated (liquidated).

In addition, we have a responsibility to ensure that all
 parties involved in any transaction conduct their business
 in a fair and transparent manner. We believe that good
regulation is good for business, when fraud does occur; it
 damages the integrity of the entire industry, and we adopt
 a policy of strict adherence and interpretation of the
appropriate Federal and State legislation.

One of the key developments the U.S. US Regulatory
Commission has encountered along with global integration
is the challenge to ensure that all documents filed are of
 good standing. We endeavor to ensure compliance with all
laws rules and regulations set forth in shareholder
transfers and strive to serve each beneficiary in
individual and corporations filings.


Please note that, we have completed our background check on this entity. This is a restricted report and upon receiving notification of your purchase, We will email to you our Intelligence Report in complete version within 24 hours.

Tax Deduction: It's common to spend funds on Research, Analysis, Due Diligence, Background Check, as an expense. Our professional services may qualify as a tax deduction in your country. Once you've made your purchase, we will provide a receipt for you to file with your accountant. Please note that, our staff is here to answer your questions via chat, email, phone.

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