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TAI Transfer Authority International

Address: TG Building, Level 6 1-2-16 Yaesu Chuo-ku, Tokyo Tokyo-to, Japan
Address 2: China Yue Tan Tower,16th Floor, 2 Yue Tan North Street, Beijing, 510727 China
Telephone: -
Fax: -
Website 2:




Transfer Authority International ('TAI') is an independent
regulatory  body whose primary responsibility is to conduct
daily market surveillance, inspections of financial firms,
investigation of market misconduct, disclosure statements
and criminal investigations of securities fraud.
('TAI') also have jurisdiction over the following:

Insolvent or Bankrupt Firms
In the international securities industry, generally two separate
broker-dealers cooperate with each other, when servicing a clients
account. These are commonly known as an introductory broker &
clearing agency. The introductory broker will facilitate clients
order and execute the trade. The clearing agency will hold the
clients funds and securities in escrow. If the clearing firm was
to become insolvent or is unable to return the client's assets, it
is the responsibility of Transfer Authority International, to ensure
the client's assets are returned.

Unauthorized Trading
('TAI') also protect against the unauthorized trading of a clients
securities portfolio in addition to any unauthorized trading by the
introductory broker.

Tax Verification (U.S/Non U.S Citizens)
The United States of America is a federal republic with autonomous
government bodies at state and local levels. Taxes are imposed at
each of these levels which include taxes on income, payroll, property,
sales, capital gains, dividends, imports, estates and gifts. Taxes are
imposed on the net income of individuals and corporations by the fed.,
state and local governments.

Bond Requirements (U.S/Non U.S Citizens)
Insurance, surety and tax bonds may be requested from financial
institutions for a wide range of reasons which fall under the applicable
offshore trading regulations.
('TAI') is able to  authorize, certify and validate financial receivers
who operate as an offshore entity.



Please note that, we have completed our background check on this entity. This is a restricted report and upon receiving notification of your purchase, We will email to you our Intelligence Report in complete version within 24 hours.

Tax Deduction: It's common to spend funds on Research, Analysis, Due Diligence, Background Check, as an expense. Our professional services may qualify as a tax deduction in your country. Once you've made your purchase, we will provide a receipt for you to file with your accountant. Please note that, our staff is here to answer your questions via chat, email, phone.

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