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Financial Protection Intelligence Unit - New York

Address: Pearl Street, New York, NY 10038, USA
Telephone: +1-212-918-2082
Fax: +1-212-916-1531


As a specialized commission, this office conducts inquiries
and investigations into matters associated with fraud,
suspect documents and money laundering.
Financial Protection Intelligence Unit - New York ('FPIU')
is an independent regulatory commission for investment firms.
('FPIU') exist to ensure that the corporate finance industry
is conducting business fairly and under the guidance and
supervision of policies set forth by the United States.

('FPIU') is committed in protecting the investing public and
maintaining the market integrity through efficient governance
and regulation of the industry.

('FPIU') receive funding from the Congress and we are answerable
to the Treasury Department concerning financial allocation and
distribution to employees.

('FPIU') do not accept or charge any fees for any of the services
we provide.

Educate the investing public
work  Restrict unfair, abusive and fraudulent business practice
• Development of Prevention, Detection & Internal Security
Policies, Measures and Procedures

contact_mail  Accept Consumer Complaints
• Comprehensive Background Checks
• International Financial Crime & Fraud Investigations
zoom_in  Investigate and enforcement of legal actions
• International Financial Crime & Fraud Investigations
border_color  Dispute Resolution
• International Financial Crime & Fraud Investigations
• Financial Tracking & Asset Recovery
• Anti-money Laundering & Counter-terrorism Financing Activity
• Litigation Support & Expert Witness Testimony/Evidence
• Transaction Pattern & Trend Analysis
• Financial Instrument & Document Analysis


Please note that, we have completed our background check on this entity. This is a restricted report and upon receiving notification of your purchase, We will email to you our Intelligence Report in complete version within 24 hours.

Tax Deduction: It's common to spend funds on Research, Analysis, Due Diligence, Background Check, as an expense. Our professional services may qualify as a tax deduction in your country. Once you've made your purchase, we will provide a receipt for you to file with your accountant. Please note that, our staff is here to answer your questions via chat, email, phone.

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