Bell Capital Ltd. - Private Wealth Managers
Bell Capital Ltd. "BCL" is a premier boutique Private Wealth
Management firm. Located China & Japan, "BCL" is are well positioned
to take advantage of opportunities in a timely and efficient matter
where in the world they may or may not occur.
"BCL" client base is international, and we typically cater to High Net
Worth Individuals and those who aspire to achieve that status.
"BCL" understand that their clients wish to minimize the volatility of
their portfolios and still earn a reasonable rate of return. Accordingly,
"BCL" clients portfolios are built on a targeted blend of cash, bonds,
preferred shares, globally-selected dividend and equities as new market-
alternative investments.
"BCL" offers these flexible solutions because we understand their clients
needs. That's why "BCL" maintain their own outstanding research team.
It is "BCL" research, analysis and independent thinking that make the
"BCL" is committed to being as good at what we do, as our clients are in
their fields.