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Assured Trading Yokohama

Address: Nisseki Yokohama Building, Level 12, 1-1-8 Sakuragi-cho, Naka-kuj, Yokohama, Japan
Telephone: +81 4 5670 9020
Fax: +81 4 5330 8738



Assured Trading
Assured Trading is an independent boutique investment firm with headquarters in Yokohama, Japan. Our interests are firmly aligned with those of our highly- ...
About Us · ‎How We Work · ‎Our Services · ‎Research

How We Work - Assured Trading › howwework
Assured Trading's investment services are focused on helping our clients achieve their objectives through innovative investment strategies that not only ...

Assured Trading's reputation has been built on a robust history of providing investors with a high caliber of expertise and professional support they need to make comprehensive and farsighted decisions relating to their financial wellbeing now and in the future.
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We do insist that each of our clients deliver a full and total disclosure of their financial position as we consider it of utmost importance before we undertake the preparation of a comprehensive and optimized investment plan
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Assured Trading doesn't believe that an off-the-shelf investment portfolio can match every client's situation. Instead, we create unique investment strategies for the individual, which means that all our investment solutions are exclusive to every one of our clients.
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Assured Trading's reputation has been built on a robust history of providing investors with a high caliber of expertise and professional support they need to make comprehensive and farsighted decisions relating to their financial wellbeing now and in the future.

We specialize in assisting clients who, having spent much of their time accumulating wealth, now want their money to work for them in the most advantageous way possible.

As the past decade has demonstrated, investors are no longer able to trust those who were previously assigned to protect the purchasing power of their money, as governments are no longer able to guarantee the stability of their financial institutions or manage their economies to the full benefit of the people.

The obligation in the accumulation and protection of our clients' wealth is therefore dependent on firms such as ours that take a more hands-on approach to wealth creation. Many of our clients simply do not have sufficient time or the expertise to navigate the complexities of the new financial world and rely on Assured Trading's expertise and professionalism.




Please note that, we have completed our background check on this entity. This is a restricted report and upon receiving notification of your purchase, We will email to you our Intelligence Report in complete version within 24 hours.

Tax Deduction: It's common to spend funds on Research, Analysis, Due Diligence, Background Check, as an expense. Our professional services may qualify as a tax deduction in your country. Once you've made your purchase, we will provide a receipt for you to file with your accountant. Please note that, our staff is here to answer your questions via chat, email, phone.

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